Welcome to 2022! This year MUEEC has a packed schedule of fun and educational events to give you an awesome university experience.
2021 was quite unpredictable for every one of us. With bad memories carrying over from 2020 and plans having to be canceled left and right, we were all unsure what would happen this year.
We at MUEEC have a busy but exciting year ahead to show you. In this blog post, we’ll introduce ourselves, talk about our upcoming events and share the new projects we’re launching.
Who are we?
In case you’re new or maybe haven’t heard of us before, we’re the Melbourne University Electrical Engineering Club (MUEEC). We represent the Electrical and Mechatronics engineering students here at The University of Melbourne. We help students discover practical applications and learn the professional skills of engineering to complement students’ university studies. We also invite and welcome anyone who is curious about engineering and robotics, or just wants to chill out with fellow students.
MUEEC was founded in 2013 with the purpose as described above, to connect engineering students with industry professionals, alumni, and other students. At the same time, we help you develop your practical skills through various events like makeathons and our Autonomous Robotics Research Project (ARRP). That’s not to say we can’t have some fun! We also hold regular social events to connect you with like-minded students and potentially ignite friendships.
We have a small, tight-knit committee to organise and coordinate our events and projects. Check out our 2022 committee here.
What’s on the menu for 2022?
We have a range of technical and social events planned for semester 1. Here’s a sneak peek of what’s going down.
ARRP Launch Night - See what ARRP is all about, and check out the projects we’re offering (hint, there’s a robot arm!) | Week 1 - Fri 4th March |
Arduino 101 Workshop | Week 2 - Mon 7th March |
Spaghetti Bridge Competition - Build a bridge with spaghetti in teams. Collab between 6 engineering clubs | Week 2 - Fri 11th March |
Meet the Grads - Connect with alumni. Collab with MESS | Week 2 - Fri 11th March |
Arduino 102 Workshop | Week 4 - Tue 22nd March |
Soldering Workshop | Week 6 - Tue 5th April |
WattHack - Our annual hardware hackathon. Work in teams to build something new out of e-waste parts. | Mid-sem break - Wed 20th to Thu 21st April |
Software Defined Radio Workshop | Week 9 - Tue 3rd May |
CAD/3D Printing Workshop | Week 10 - Tue 10th May |
SWOTVAC Study Sessions | SWOTVAC week & Exam period |
Weekly ARRP social robotics session at the Telstra Creator Space (TCS) | Every Tuesday |
We also have a bunch more planned for semester 2, like Industry Night and SuperHack. Let us know if you’d like to see a specific event, and we’ll see if we can make it happen!
Anything new this year?
Of course! Our new website is live - you’re reading this on it. We made this with the intention of interacting more with the MUEEC community. So you’ll see regular updates and activity here. We have an events page with our upcoming events and their info, as well as a sweet gallery to showcase the best photos from them. The blog will serve as an outlet for club news and how you can get involved with us.
We also have our new fortnightly newsletter, “Charge Up!”. Here we provide you with the latest club news, our events, employment, and internship opportunities, educational resources, and of course, the best engineering memes, hand-picked for you. It will also contain fun puzzles from various academics and competitions with prizes. We want you to be more involved as well; You will get the chance to have your personal projects featured on the newsletter for the whole MUEEC community to see! Tick the newsletter option when you sign up for a 2022 membership for free (links at the bottom)
What’s ARRP?
ARRP stands for Autonomous Robotics Research Project, where we offer research and practical projects for you to work on throughout each semester. We have a launch night coming up to kick off the semester this Friday, the 4th of March (check our social media for the details!). This semester we have a bunch of projects like the robot arm. Be sure to come to the launch night to learn more about them and sign up
If you’re reading this, then you’ve already found our website. Great! Visit this once in a while to read some more blog posts like this one. Make sure to sign up for a 2022 MUEEC membership for free, and keep in contact with the MUEEC community by joining our Discord server, and stay updated with our Facebook and Instagram.
We hope to see you at a MUEEC event soon!