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Autonomous Robotics Research Project

​The Autonomous Robotics Research Program (ARRP) was founded in 2016 as a platform to provide both undergraduate and graduate students from any discipline an opportunity to learn through collaborative research or technical projects.

The program offers a wide range of projects that range from purely research projects to practical projects that run for either 6 months (1 semester) or 12 months (2 semesters). Similar to University capstone projects but supported with training and materials from MUEEC, ARRP provides an opportunity for students to apply their university learning to practical problems.


A launch event and presentation night is also run for the program at the beginning and end of each semester to monitor the progress of each project. Industry guests are invited to presentation nights to enjoy a night with high achieving student teams and have an opportunity to view their interesting projects.​



ARRP operates on the belief that everyone has an equal opportunity to partake in practical projects
at a professional standard. The fundamental aim of this program is to enhance student experience
at both technical and research levels by offering and supporting student-led projects ranging from
aerospace & drones to machine learning & robotics.

Stay tuned for ARRP's 2023 Schedule!

In the mean time, check out some of ARRP's past projects!

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